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Dear Teachers,
Find below some highlighted ELT “buzz” from the last week.
This week, recommending this Mind Shift article outlining research showing that paper books seem to out perform digital books. Makes you think. This debate will continue, I believe.
P.S. - Please consider a “back to school” subscription to our lesson library. This week, any upgrade also includes access to ELT Buzz Video lesson materials. It helps with our costs.
Buzzer in Chief
This Week’s Highlighted ELT "Buzz“
Pandemic Teaching. A report commissioned by the British Council and written by Sophia Mavridi describing many of the experiences teachers had, teaching during the COVID 19 pandemic. Free to download.
Innovate ELT. Sign up early for this must attend conference late September. Both online and on-site (Barcelona).
Teacher Presentations. Sandy Millin reviews 8 presentations from the EVE Mentoring Program featuring a variety of teachers from around the world sharing their knowledge.
Materials Dev. vs Writing. John Hughes ELT interviews Heather Buchanan about the differences and similarities between ELT 'materials development' and 'materials writing'.
The Draw of Drawing. Have you ever tried drawing as an activity to teach English? It works and here are some core activities.
Communicative Grammar. TGSC Press Release. An Erasmus+ project co-funded by the European Commission which seeks to address the issue of student fluency vis a vis grammar training.
Listening - Book Review. TEFL In Colombia blog provides a comprehensive review of John Field's book: Listening in the Language Classroom (2008).
Video Lessons - Undiscovered.
A fascinating video about a sasquatch that doesn’t like the photos and selfies people take of him. A great hook for a lesson and discussion about selfies.