ELT Buzz Video Lessons - Our Picks.
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This week, highlighting video lessons that inspire students and get students motivated! Our picks. Best,
The Crazy Ones
Apple Inc. made a commercial that featured people from history, "the crazy ones" who defied the odds and changed the world. Here is our version and mini bios of all the crazy ones mentioned. How many do your students know? See the original commercial here. Read more
3 Incredible Teens
Watch this Great Big Story about 3 amazing and inspiring teenagers. Then, discuss and have students research and present about their own inspiring teenage heroes.
I Can Do That
What can your students do? Get them to list their skills and also things that look forward to doing in the future. Read more
The Kindness Boomerang
This film shows a chain of kindness, as people pay acts of kindness forward. Ask students to write down / list all the acts of kindness done in the film, one after another. A chain of kindness. Read more