The ELT Buzz Digest
A weekly summary of important education and English language teaching info.
Dear Teachers,
Here’s this week’s digest. Back in a few weeks with fuller editions. Just trying to survive the heat and recharge the teaching batteries! Happy teaching and learning.
Buzzword Bingo - A unique Listening activity.
On the phonemes in "phonemic awareness”. Phonetics.
The Ed-Tech Imaginary - A classic read about the ed-tech promise.
Senior British Council official sexually harassed and stalked colleague
Workers at EC Montreal Language Centre Join The General Union
A methodological synthesis of narrative inquiry research in applied linguistics:
Joyride - Elderly. - ELT Buzz Video Lessons - A must for ELLs.
Why is practicing conversations with chatbots inefficient for developing fluency?
Cognitive Resonance | Resources
Digital Education Council Global AI Student Survey 2024
ERL Journal Volume 10 – International Association & Group for the EDUCATIONAL ROLE OF LANGUAGE