Dear Teachers,
Find the “buzz” below. A lot to your liking.
This week, again recommending Audrey Waters and her “2nd Breakfast”. A great read and we all should digest her thoughts about technology and education and AI in particular.
Hope everyone is keeping their batteries charged! Be hopeful, our profession is as worthy as they come.
David - ELT Buzzer-In-Chief
How does generative AI promote autonomy and inclusivity in language teaching?
What Kind of Writer Is ChatGPT?
The Terminator - The 2nd Breakfast. Behaviorism and AI.
Refugee students join ASU through new Welcome Corps on Campus program
Artificial Intelligence and Writing: Four Things I Learned Listening to my High School Students
Thursday 3 October - ELT Materials newsletter
Should I Use ChatGPT to Write My Papers?
Advice | Make AI Part of the Assignment
I Quit Teaching Because of ChatGPT
Team claims human-level AI is impossible
Can a Single Prompt Reliably Predict Your Learners' Needs?